Drug search Reciept Pharmacies Fees Dr.Ilya Anisimov

Terms of service

  • Information provided by this site is FREE OF CHARGE FOR PERSONAL USE only and could be found in different forms at other sites free of charge too.
  • Information provided by this site do not replace the physician advise and you still need to CONSULT A DOCTOR before you take any new or discontinued medication.
  • Please don't rely on your personal experience and seek medical advice on the medications you choose.
  • This site is not the official govermental source of the information regarding medication database in Israel. We update this database less frequently than the Ministry of Health site do. Some new medications could be missed from the database.Some medication records could be updated, replaced or deleted from the official Ministry of Health database. Please search for them at Israel Ministry of Health official site.
  • Search results are based on the data provided by pharmaceutical companies.
  • The results of search by your keyword may be wider or lesser then you expected.
  • PRESCRIPTION service provided by Dr.Ilya Anisimov is a subject to FEE. Service fee rates depend on the prescription type, need for personal meeting with the doctor, type of delivery and more (See fee table).
  • Prescription service available in Israel only.
  • Doctor Ilya Anisimov does not advise patients by phone.
  • You may require to ATTEND Doctor Ilya Anisimov to allow your prescription to be done.
  • Prescription processing may require a day or more.
  • Dr. Ilya Anisimov is a licensed physician in Israel since 1997. License number: 31688
  • Visit of the Dr. Ilya Anisimov to a patient is a subject to fee (See fee table).
  • Safety and privacy. This site will never store at site database your personal data without your explicit permission.
  • This service is PRIVATE and is not owned, provided or financially supported by any other than 'Ilya Anisimov Ltd.' organization or department, including kupat-holim Clalit, Maccaby, Meuhedet and Leumit.
  • Names of drugs, dressings and other commercially sold medical substances and materials, medical instruments, names of companies and organizations, trademarks and other names cited on this site are the registered property items of their respective owners.
  • This medications database structure is subject to copiright. It is a the result of the years of hard work of structurising pharmacological records, based on official sources, including WHO and FDA, pharmaceutical advice and medical experience, done by our team.

  • © Copyright 2021, Ilya Anisimov Ltd. Service provided by Dr.Ilya Anisimov.