Drug search Reciept Pharmacies Terms of service Dr.Ilya Anisimov

Service fee rates

Prescription, per one page 150 NIS
Personal attendance, if required, to prescribe medications only. (Include one prescription page.) 350 NIS Outside Netanya additional cost of 4NIS/KM will be applyed.
Drug search visit to hospice/severely ill/terminal patient First visit: 1000NIS. Return visit: 500NIS (Include all required prescriptions.) Outside Netanya additional cost of 4NIS/KM will be applyed.
Friday, Shabbat and Holydays +50% of total cost will be applyed.

VAT (Ma'am) included.
Most of non-dangerous preparations could be printed together on one page of prescription (up to ten medications per page). Dangerous and special preparations as required by Ministry of Health, are printed at separate pages.
New, special and dangerous medications require personal attendancy of the patient. In this case doctor will come to see you at your place.

© Copyright 2021, Ilya Anisimov Ltd. Service provided by Dr.Ilya Anisimov.